
But I Forgot to Shave my Legs

7 things not to get embarrassed about during a massage treatment

Lady covering face ambarrassed

We all have things we get embarrassed by. In fact, when asked, our minds have a tendency of flashing our most awkward moment, just in case we didn’t remember. For me, it dates way back to high school. I was in class, trying to pull a ring off my finger, and suddenly it flew off. I didn’t know where it had gone, until I head the clunk of it landing. Turning to my right, I saw one of my rather good-looking classmates pick it up from the floor next to his desk. At the time, I was completely mortified, and I knew I never wanted to experience that feeling again.



Obviously, it’s not that easy to never get embarrassed, but there are somethings that you should never be embarrassed by when visiting your massage therapist.


Cutting the cheese, breaking wind, passing gas…whatever you call it, everyone does it. Laying on a massage table is no exception. During a massage, a fart can feel like it comes out of nowhere. Commonly, it is due to relaxation, which causes our digestive system to kick it up a notch and gas can escape. It’s totally normal to try to hold it in during a massage (I know I sure do), but it is better for us to just let it go. When we try to hold in a fart, we tense our muscles, which is the opposite of what we are trying to achieve during a massage. So, let it go, and remember to say "excuse me"!

From behind man pulling shirt up

Undressing…or Not

“Disrobe to your comfort level.” If you’ve ever had a massage, you’ve definitely heard this line a time or two, but what does that even mean? Sometimes we nod and don’t ask questions when we aren’t sure, but it’s important to know that you are in charge of your massage. If you want to fully undress before you get between the sheets, that’s totally fine. If you’d rather keep everything on, that’s okay, too. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable is best because it is easier to relax and let the massage therapist do their work if you feel comfortable. From time to time, it may be explained to you that removing items, such as a bra or your underwear, would be beneficial for your treatment because this allows for easier access to the back or hips, which provides a more beneficial massage. However, it is still your decision. If you want to keep items on, keep them on.

Asking Questions

We’ve all heard that there’s no such thing as a stupid question, right? Well, keep that in mind next time you have a question for your massage therapist. Questions pop into our heads whenever they want. It might be when you first walk in the room, or it could be halfway through a massage. Being embarrassed to asks questions can lead to you feeling uncomfortable, and possibly disappointed, with your experience.


Burning questions, throughout a massage treatment, do not allow for you to focus on breathing, which helps encourage relaxation. Asking that question you had before or during the massage gives your massage therapist an opportunity to provide you with information that you did not know, as well as ensure that you are able to relax. This may be the difference between a relaxing experience and the reason you never go back. Remember, don’t feel embarrassed, we are happy to answer questions that arise, and if we do not know the answer, we will take to our trusted resources to make sure that we provide you with a confident and accurate answer.

Holding water bottle on stomach

Menstrual Cycle

Periods always seem to be a taboo subject, but when you are getting a massage, it shouldn’t have to feel that way. If you are experiencing discomfort in anyway because of your menstrual cycle, let your massage therapist know. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when you lie down to relax.


That being said, sometimes leaks happen and that’s okay, too. Although massage therapy can help decrease any pain or discomfort you may be experiencing because of your period, it also encourages an increase in circulation, which can lead to a leak. If this happens to you, don’t worry about it and don’t feel embarrassed. You didn’t ruin our sheets; they can be washed or tossed. We understand what is happening and we don’t judge. 


Don’t worry. It’s natural. Massage treatments are meant to relax you, in the same way that sleep does, so sometimes erections happen. Now, there’s a difference between sexual arousal and an erection due to being in a state of relaxation. Relaxation can be unpredictable, and erections can happen without wanting them to. That’s totally fine. Massage therapists have been through enough schooling to understand anything that may accidentally happen. We don’t want you to be embarrassed because of it.


Now, like I said, there is a difference between relaxation and sexual arousal. The latter is not acceptable. You’re massage therapist has every right, if you are coming onto them, to stop the massage treatment, to assess the situation and deal with it in a professional and ethical

manner. This keeps both parties safe, and reminds clients of the boundaries set forth by your massage therapist.

Sitting on car dangling legs


“Oh, and I’m sorry, I didn’t shave my legs.” Sometimes we get lazy or we forget. Sometimes we just run out of time. Sometimes we just don’t shave our legs. It doesn’t gross massage therapists out. We really don’t care. Hair does not change the way we massage, and it doesn’t change the way your body responds to the treatment. If not shaving your legs before a massage really bothers you, simply request that you not get your legs treated until your next appointment. We don’t mind adjusting the treatment to make you feel comfortable. We want you to get the most out of your massage.


Lots of us hate something about our body. I hate the spots and acne I get when I am not consistent with my face cleansing regime, and I hate how quickly my leg and armpit hair grows back. What we need to remember is that those things we hate are not flaws. Everything about you and your body is beautiful. When you come in for a massage, that doesn’t change. You never need to apologize. We are there to help you relax, decrease your pain and discomfort, and generally help you feel better. We want you to feel as great as you are and remember that you are wonderful. Never be embarrassed about who you are!

Sometimes, embarrassment is inevitable, but being embarrassed about your body and your comfort is never an experience you should have. Next time you visit your massage therapist, don’t apologize and don’t feel embarrassed. Ask questions if you are unsure, but never feel like it is necessary for you to be outside your comfort zone.


What other things embarrass you during a massage therapy appointment? What questions have you had, but were too embarrassed to ask? Leave your comments and questions below.

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All massage therapy treatments provided by Lisa Loos Massage Therapy are covered by extended health insurance plans.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!