
A Relaxation Massage is not Therapeutic

Massage Therapy Myths

Candles and Towels

A relaxation massage isn’t therapeutic. It’s a common misconception among massage therapists and clients, but is it true? I remember discussing relaxation versus therapeutic throughout my diploma, as if there was a different concept for each massage. The general idea discussed was that therapeutic massages were meant to help a client with a specific condition and commonly represented with the idea of pain or discomfort, whereas relaxation massages are more enjoyable and pampering. But, does this mean that relaxation massages aren’t therapeutic?


The answer is no. Therapeutic treatments do not always have to come with some sort of pain or discomfort, and they don’t always need to target something tangible, such as neck tightness. The term therapeutic refers to something that is administered to improve health. With this understanding, it makes sense that a relaxation massage can be used therapeutically to target muscle tightness or joint pain, as well as other types of conditions, like anxiety and stress.


At the end of the treatment, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve asked for a relaxation massage or a therapeutic massage, the goals for you discussed with your therapist are the same and can be achieved with both treatments.



I want to know your thoughts: Can relaxation massages be therapeutic?

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Aryeh (Thursday, 19 December 2019 04:08)

    I think they definitely can! And, in case your readers would like to know about the different modalities of Massage Therapy, I've found the following page useful for just that. Here is the link in case you might like to add the following page/link as a reference for your readers: https://www.dimensionsmt.com/massage-services

    Keep up the great work!

All massage therapy treatments provided by Lisa Loos Massage Therapy are covered by extended health insurance plans.

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